Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I have definitely been enjoying movies including the following people (whether actors, actresses, directors, etc.):

Nicholas Cage.
Steve Corell (I almost put Michael Scott!)
David Lynch.
Brittany Murphy (why do I even like her?!)

1) I have been FELTING and KNITTING away in my cute, comfy basement.
2) I haven't been to my sewing studio in almost a month [I simply haven't had the time because of school.]
3) A new girl is moving into the sewing studio! She actually, ironically enough, used to be my best friend in middle school.
4) My parents hired a guy to re-create the folding roof above the stairwell outside of my bedroom, which leads to the outdoors. IT DOESN'T WORK! THIS MEANS THAT I CAN'T TAKE PICTURES ANYMORE IN THAT SLIGHTLY GROSS STAIRWELL BECAUSE THERE IS NO MORE NATURAL LIGHT!
5) #5 is actually a GOOD thing because thsi will force me to take pictures of new creations once a week in the studio! So I'll be forced to return to the studio.

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